Sunday, August 26, 2007

Risky Business

Had a great time at Faith City today! WHEN SHOULD WE RISK IT ALL! Great notes from my Life Coach Karl Barancik
He was really on track today with a challenge about going "All in" for the Texas Hold'em fans. There are too many times in our lives when we just sit back and spectate then wonder why our lives ARE the way the ARE? When should we risk everything? Is there ever a time when it is worth the risk? I say, YES! He pointed out a couple of great risks that pay great dividends if we would just take the risk. #1 Giving God control of our lives. Matt 11:18 Talk about risky business. I am supposed to give control and yeild my direction to a God i can't see. That, if you really think about it seems a bit risky. But i did it and have been nothing but blessed ever since. Livin the God Life. #2 Risk everything when you can share the good news about your life. Acts 1:8 BE THE LIGHT #3 Risking the comfort of the life you live for you and your familiy and began to give to others. Helping others, Serving - what a great feeling. There is something about serving others that just rings so true inside of me. I know it is an outlet that God has giving all of us. Yet so few really step outside of themselves to allow God to use them to bless or serve someone else. If you have not had this opportunity please try it and you will feel and see immediately the joy involved in participating in God's plans on earth. Lastly we were asked to ask ourselves a few questions and meditate on these answers. Who has the ability to control outcomes here on earth? God. So if we know this, Why would we choose any other path than God. Makes sense huh? Why do you think God has YOU where YOU are right now. Will you take the risk, Risking reputation, money, friends, etc... to do what you know God wants you to? If we remember JESUS himself had to ask himself that same question. Was he really willing to risk it all and die on the cross. Yes and what a great reward he recieved. What risks have you been to timid to take? What is one thing in your life worth taking a risk on and going ALL IN? Take it slow, don't try to do too much. Decide this week to take a risk and trust God. For me it was a challenge to me to really step out and meet my neighbors and BE THE LIGHT in my neighborhood. That is the step this week to interact with my surrounding neighbors and invite them to church. What will you decide to do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great service... I'll have to listen to the podcast when it's up. Miss being there with you, church is such a great part of our lives. Glad to hear it went well and excited to be at the next Sunday service 'in the City!'